Zivana Almahyra Prameswari, a talented young writer who is currently in the 4th grade of Al Fauzien Islamic School , shared an inspiring story about the creative process behind her first comic, “MG dan Peri Hutan”.
In this comic, Zivana invites us to dive into a world of colorful and adventurous imagination. This comic tells the story of MG, a Muslim girl who gets lost in the forest and meets a fairy.
Zivana explained that the inspiration for making this comic came after seeing her friend making a book. He then thought of a comic story when he came home and felt stressed, which later became the beginning of MG’s adventure.
Zivana learned to make comics by observing other comics. The process of making one comic took quite a long time, and Zivana faced some difficulties, especially in thinking about the continuation of the story. However, Zivana is happy that her comic can finally be published. He also revealed his plans to make his next comic, and hopes to continue to work and inspire many people.
The comic ” MG dan Peri Hutan” was published by bookabook.id, and Zivana herself drew the characters. The main character, Muslimah Girl, reflects the positive and optimistic spirit of a Muslim girl in facing life’s challenges.
The moral message that Zivana wants to convey through this comic is that everyone has the potential to achieve their dreams and achieve their goals, as long as they have a strong determination and never give up. Through MG’s adventures, Zivana wants to show that courage, creativity, and an unyielding spirit are the keys to facing any obstacle.
Good Job